Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sunday Night Jams Which Never Come Out Cool

I read a lot of blogs that post lists of random songs. I'm going to start that here. They usually do their's on fridays. Not this guy, we're going with the Sunday Night posts. These things are always strange to me because it either shows that you have amazing taste or you're just kind of spacy and sort of lame. It tends to be the latter for me, but that's why it's random. Put yours in the comments. The posted video est super chouette!

My Fifteen-

Oscillate Wildly- The Smiths
I Believe in You- Kylie Minogue
Almost- OMD
Pink Frost- The Chills
A Better Version- King Tubby w/ The Aggrovators
My Own Private Revolution- PJ Harvey
Dear John- Au Pairs
Young Offender- New Order
Automatic Lover- Dee D. Jackson
Crushed- The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Velvet Water- Stereolab
Ease Jimi- Nightmares on Wax
A Violent Yet Flammable World- Au Revoir Simone
Get Innocuous- LCD Soundsystem
Die, All Right!- The Hives