As Chocolate Rain begins to catch on with the tragically unhip (read: those with real lives), I'm left with administrative notes. First, this is going to be the only post of the night. I plan on doing something non-digital with my day, so not posting will have to be a component of such a process. Additionally, there was a Democratic debate last night. You might be saying to yourself with exasperation that there was one on Monday. And, yes, there was one on Monday. But, there was also one last night. I'm going to do a more thorough analysis of it on Saturday because it was not a regular debate. The candidates were brought out one by one and asked questions about LGBT issues. Additionally, there were no time limits and inquisitors had full range to ask follow up questions when they thought an answer was particularly shady or unsatisfactory. Such candor is greatly appreciated from this observer, enough so to give the debate a full post of analysis instead of passing the buck. I think that's everything. Let's get this!
- Slate believes Al Pacino mocks Al Pacino. After thinking about it, they're right.
- If you have heard the term assclown or asshat and not known what it means, this should be a fairly concrete example.
- When I first read this, I was, like, awesome, parents are taking an interest in raising their kids right. Then I realized, the parents will beat them if they don't exercise.
- Totally dope stop-motion video done with Polaroids.
- Giuliani, like Charlie Murphy, suffers from delusions of grandeur.
- Bill Richardson needs to stop putting his foot in his mouth.
- I thought coke use at work stopped after the 1987 crash. Guess I was wrong.
And, if this weren't all enough, here is a video from Black Moon for How Many Emcees from 1994.
Now, I'm out.