Monday, April 23, 2007

Celebrity Overreach

I'm not sure what it is. For some people, the appearance of the camera creates false delusions of grandeur, inflated egos, and other negative signs of self-absorption. With this in mind, Travis Barker, more popularly known as that guy with all the tattoos from Blink 182, is married to Shanna Moakler, star of the infinitely entertaining Pacific Blue with the enchantingly twinkle-toed Mario Lopez. Moakler, information aside, leaked information on Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, in particular how to get in contact with them.

As the original poster noted, there's something to be said for 14 and 15 year-olds to do this, but they are all grown women worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions each. I expect them to have better conduct than to air their dirty business all out in public like unclassy individuals. I know there are classy celebrites; maybe this crew should aspire to such an ideal.